Riverside Vets

Full information about Establishment and veterinary care Riverside Vets at 2 Scotter Road, Eastleigh, England SO50 6AJ. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


2 Scotter Road, Eastleigh, England SO50 6AJ
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Phone number:
+44 23 8062 0607


Establishment   Veterinary care  

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Riverside Vets

Reviews about Riverside Vets

  • Alison Clare
    ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I used them once for my horse. I popped in to get some simple Dermasol Cream for a small wound on her back foot caused by her other hoof. She was half Shire so had huge hooves. I had kept it clean, kept it cool with cold water and a cold water boot, so it was never infected. All it needed was a helping aid from the Dermasol Cream. The veterinary nurses were being very insistent that I should get one of the vets to look at it. That would've been an unnecessary very expensive visit. I explained that I didn't need a vet to come out and that the wound was clean, so just let me have the cream. I would never let my horse go without veterinary care if I deemed it necessary! Oh what a who - ha! 1 of the nurses said 'the other vets free, I'm going to have a word with her' thankfully! I explained to the vet that the wound was clean, there wasn't any heat from her foot. Luckily she let me buy the Dermasol!
    I've always found them more expensive even on the basics. I'm sure it's because they've got no immediate competition, they're the only vets in Bishopstoke. Fair Oak and Boyatt Wood are the only nearest which is a couple of miles either way. They don't even have a car park! Space is very limited with the dental surgery upstairs above the vets. You can't park on the main Fair Oak /Bishopstoke Road. Montague Rd is difficult, Scotter Rd is mainly residential and space is very limited along Riverside Court.
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About riversidevets.co.uk

Veterinary Practice in Hampshire | Emergency Vet Surgery | Riverside Vets
Riverside Vets are one of the leading vet practices in Hampshire, with an expert team dedicated to the care of your pets. Contact our team today.

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